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These images are PROOFS for you to review & make your selections. As such, the images may contain minor imperfections. Please make your selections based on smiles, body language, etc. Any imperfections (including equipment, clothing, uniforms, etc) will be corrected after selections are made and before your order is sent to the printer.
MEMORY MATES - Memory Mates are a combination of an individual portrait along with the team photo. Due to system limitations, previews of memory mates are not possible at this time. Please make your selection based on your subject's individual image and the final memory mate will be produced using that image along with the team/ group image.
IMPORTANT CHANGE - If you want your kids pictured together in their photos you must have them photographed together at the event. Adding siblings together after the fact is not possible at this time.
DIGITAL IMAGES - Devine Imageworks is happy to provide a limited PRINT RELEASE in order to have photographic prints made for your own personal, non-commercial use. Click the Download Print Release PDF button on the download page after clicking the download link. The link will be sent to you automatically when your files are ready to be downloaded.
USE THE SAME LOGIN INFORMATION! - By using the same login information each time (email address), you can link your previous galleries to your current ones and see your older images in case you forgot to place an order - life happens!
DISCOUNTS - Make sure you place your orders before the discounts expire because once they are gone, they are gone! Discounts will be automatically applied to your cart - no code needed.
SHARE YOUR IMAGES ON SOCIAL MEDIA - Feel free to share your finished images on social media! All we ask is that you kindly tag @devineimageworks.
Ordering your children's photos online is easy now!
How does it work? Just enter your personal access code from your access card or your proof card. Then, search in the album for the photos that you like best and choose how you want to order them. Simple!

More photos
Choose from all the photos taken during your session instead of just one! The choice is yours!

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Prints, mounts, downloads, gifts, and a lot more...

Photo effects
Personalise your photos! Black and white, sepia and more